
OEM contract manufacturing of natural and herbal cosmetics, utilization of in-house herb farms and plant-derived ingredients, original cosmetics, planning, design and development

〒409-1501 山梨県北杜市大泉町西井出字石堂8240-911
Opening hours/10:00〜17:00

2020March this year

Manufacturing of Asamafuji Yakusami Ken Co., Ltd.

We believe that there is real value in our craftsmanship, things that are handmade, things that are made by sharing ideas, and things that are filled with love. If there is a chemical basis or conclusion first, we think that what we have created will obstruct the real value. We believe that experience is more important than numbers We aimed for the fact that "it works" rather than the numerical value of the test and the test result Our cosmetics products that work because they work, they are all handmade, products that are created as a result of trying, and they are products that customers demand. I'm still exploring why the product works so well and why the herbs in the herb garden have so much power. The love that we have always put our customers first and created products cannot be imitated by other companies. "Why are you able to get so many results?" the customer's surprised face "I want my customers to be more happy, I want them to shine beautifully, I want them to be youthful and healthy." Asama Fuji Yakuherb Biken Co., Ltd. Phone 0551-45-7577 Address: 〒408-0041 3087-1 Kamisasao, Kobuchizawa-cho, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture OEM Cosmetics Development and Contract Manufacturing Herbal Cosmetics Natural Aroma Aging Care Person in Charge Nakamura Email: nakamura@spa-karuizawa.jp Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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